When a student cancels their registration or a fee waiver is applied to their account, they will appear as overpaid if they had already made a payment in the RegiSmart system. You can record a refund so the overpaid amount can be refunded back to the student via their original payment method.
Click Finances on the left side of the screen and then Registration Payments. Any student who is overpaid will have a Refund button in the Actions column on the line of their entry. The below example shows the student has a -5.00 balance due, which means he is overpaid by $5.00. You should click the Refund button to initiate his refund.
Once you click the Refund button, a secondary screen will open where you should enter the amount to refund and a note as to why the student is being refunded. Click Apply once done. The below example shows the student will be refunded $5.00 because he was awarded a $5.00 scholarship.