Schools have the ability to customize the directions for the registration site and the confirmation page, as well as the messages students will receive if they visit the site before or after the registration period. This text is edited by clicking Configure AP Registration => Directions/Text for Various Pages.
Total Registration has created some default text based on all of the settings you have entered. The below image shows the merge codes in the blue box that correspond to data entered elsewhere during configuration. Those merge codes are used in the editable text box so any configuration edits made to the school's AP registration will automatically update in its text directions. The merge codes in the editable text box are highlighted in red boxes in the below image. Schools have the ability to edit or delete the merge codes in the editable text box and manually enter other data. However, once any text or merge code is edited and saved, this information becomes static and will no longer be updated when schools edit dates, fees, etc. If the school changes any information, you will want to manually make the corresponding edit on the Directions/Text for Various Pages page. Each area that has customizable text has its own section. Please be sure to edit each section.
If your district has set some default text, and your school is linked to the district account, you can click the "Reset to District/TR Defaults" link to reset your text to the district text. If your account is not linked to a district account, or the district admin has not configured the default text, the text will be set to TR's default text based off of your other settings.
Clients who used TR last year can view the text used last year by clicking "View Previous Years' Info". This will open a new page with your text from last year. We do not automatically use this text as there are many values that change such as the dates, contact person and sometimes fees. You can always cut and paste any of last year's text as you see fit.
Every time a student/parent visits the registration site, we use this text from your settings. You can change this text at any time with changes taking effect immediately.