If your account is not showing how much you owe for your exams, then your registration is most likely awaiting action by your school.
Reasons your registration in Total Registration is being held pending could include:
- the school waitlisting registrations for a particular exam or for registrations made before or after a certain date
- the school needs to verify the student's financial status to approve financial fee waivers (NOTE: Changing your response to the Free/Reduced or Financial Assistance questions will not remove you from the approval queue. Once in the queue, you will need to wait for the school to approve or deny your request.)
- the school needs to verify the student's number of exams if they are discounting exam fees based on the number of exams registered
The system assesses late fees based on the initial registration date (when the student was added to the approval queue, not by the date of approval). Schools, however, do have the ability to assess a late fee based on the date of payment.
Contact your school's testing coordinator if you have questions about why you do not see a balance to pay.