When you enter a payment for a student, you are also able to enter an amount for a fee waiver. This waiver amount should be the total that the student's fee is being discounted (for all their exams combined). When we calculate discrepancies (students who are not paid in full), the waiver is added to the payment.
For example, let's say Johnny has a fee of $172.00, we give him a waiver of $40.00 ($20.00 per exam) and he paid $132.00. Johnny will not show up in the discrepancy report as he is paid in full.
Waivers can be easily entered by visiting the View/Enter/Edit Payments/Waivers utility in the Finances section of the Report Center, locating the student, and clicking View/Record/Edit. You can find the utility by going to Report Center => Finances => View/Enter/Edit Payments/Fees/Refunds => View/Enter/Edit Payments/Waivers. After clicking View/Record/Edit, scroll down to the bottom and choose the Type (Free/Reduced Lunch, General, or Financial Assistance), the amount to be waived, and a Note (if desired). Once everything is entered, click Record at the bottom.
Recording a waiver may cause a student that was paid in full to become "overpaid". The system includes a link to possible Overpaid Students on your dashboard when there are students that have a negative balance. Refunds can be easily recorded from the overpaid report. For schools using TR's Payment Processing, TR will process the refund after it is recorded in the system.