There are occasionally times when a payment, waiver, or fee gets recorded incorrectly or to the wrong student. Correcting an incorrect fee, waiver, or payment is easily done using the View/Enter/Edit Payments/Waivers utility in the Finance/Payment section of the Report Center. Search for the student who needs the edit and click Record/Edit to view the details for this student.
NOTE: If you previously denied a Free/Reduced student's request for a F/R waiver, you should correct that action from the Manage Denied F/R list. See Managing Denied F/R Waivers for more information.
Many fees, payments, and waivers can be edited/modified/removed by clicking on the edit icon next to the dollar amount. NOTE: You cannot edit a waiver to Free Lunch Waiver and expect the student to show as verified on the F/R Lunch Students report. If the entered waiver should be a Free Lunch Waiver, you will need to delete the existing waiver by editing its amount to $0 and enter a new waiver assigned as Free Lunch Waiver.
Clicking on the edit icon will open a window that shows the Original Amount and allows you to enter a New Amount for all the fees/payments that are editable. You can then enter a New Amount (the amount the fee/payment should have been for and add a note or change the note if desired). To delete a fee or waiver, edit the existing amount to $0.
Once you have entered the new amounts, scroll to the bottom and click preview changes. In keeping with good accounting practices, TR will not delete or edit the old payment but will enter another Fee/Payment/Waiver as a correction, changing the student's balance. The preview page will show these new values. Any new entries will be highlighted in yellow. We encourage you to look over the additions and review the new Total Fees, Total Payments and Balance Due. If you are satisfied with your edits, click Confirm/Save Changes. If the new amounts did not have the expected result, click Discard Changes/Cancel. This will allow you to start over.
There are some fees and payments that do not have edit icons as they are not editable. Exam fees are not editable. If you need to remove an Exam fee, please edit the student's record and drop/cancel the exam or you can use the payment entry utility to record a waiver for the student. For schools with payment processing, credit card transactions or checks recorded by TR are not editable as they are system generated and need to match with other systems.
The only fees/payments that can be deleted are "corrections" that were recorded by the system. These are noted on the Enter Payments and Edit Payments/Fees page by the icon.
NOTE: If you are removing a Free/Reduced Lunch waiver from a student who received one by mistake, you should also edit the student's record to change his/her response to the Free/Reduced Lunch question to "No." You can edit the student's response by following