There are standard questions already configured in the TR system for your use. A few are set to required as the system must have that data in order to establish the student's TR account. There are other standard questions you can choose or not choose to ask your students during registration. You can choose the questions from this list, Configure Registration => Manage Standard Questions.
There are several options when configuring standard questions:
- Question Text - Many of the standard questions allow schools to configure the question text in order to display different text than our standard text. The text is edited by clicking on the question text when underlined.
- Ask Students - How does this question appear to registrants that indicate they attend the school.
- Not on Form - Students will not be asked this question
- Optional - Students will be asked this question, but a response is not required. In other words, the question can be left blank.
- Required - The question will be shown and a response is required. Students cannot leave the questions blank.
- Ask Non-Students - A "Non-Student" is a registrant that indicates they do not attend the school.
- Not on Form - Non-Students will not be asked this question
- Optional - Non-Students will be asked this question, but a response is not required. In other words, the question can be left blank.
- Required - The question will be shown and a response is required. Non-Students cannot leave the questions blank.