We recognize that schools may have the need to ask registrants a question that does not exist in the Standard Questions. Schools can configure custom questions using Configure Registration => Manage Custom Questions within each service menu (AP, PSAT/NMSQT, or IB).
To add a new custom question, click Add a Custom Question. Since this question is completely unique to this school there are many settings that must be configured.
- Group - This is section of the registration site where the question will appear. For example, student, parent, etc.
- Question Text - This is the text that will appear to students for this question.
- Question Type - There are four types of questions you can ask students,
- Multiple Choice - Students will need to select one of the choices you present. This is one of the most popular questions.
- Checkbox - Students will check this or not. This is useful if you need a required response that a student has read a policy, etc.
- Short Text (Free Response) - Students will enter any text they wish. This is useful for 1-3 word answers.
- Long Text (Free Response) - Students can enter any text they wish. This can be much longer responses that than the Short Text.
- Possible Student Choices - If you selected the Question Type to be a check box or a multiple choice, you will need to enter the possible choices. A check box will have just one response and a multiple choice may have several. When entering several choices, enter one and then click Add Another Choice/Response to add another field to enter another possible response.
- Default Choice - This is the choice that will be pre-checked. If you do not want a selection to be pre-checked, select No Default.
- Question Required for Students - How should this question appear to registrants that indicated they attend the school.
- Not on Form - Non-Students will not be asked this question
- Optional - Non-Students will be asked this question, but a response is not required. In other words, the question can be left blank.
- Required - The question will be shown and a response is required.
- Question Required for Non-Students - How should this question appear to registrants that indicated they attend the school.
- Not on Form - Non-Students will not be asked this question
- Optional - Non-Students will be asked this question, but a response is not required. In other words, the question can be left blank.
- Required - The question will be shown and a response is required.
- Use in AP Registration, Use in PSAT Registration, Use in IB Registration - Which services should this question be used with. This question will show in every service that this is marked yes.
- Help Information - This is the text that will appear when a student rolls his mouse over the ? icon next to the question.
- Message to display when question is required and has no response - This is the error message the system will display when the question has no repines but is required.
- Active - Active questions will be shown on the registration site. You can remove a question from the registration site by making it Inactive (Active = No).
- Validation Type - Answers can be restricted to a particular format. If you do not want to place a restriction, leave this blank. Checkboxes and Multiple Choice questions do not need any validation as students can only choose from the possible responses.