Students are emailed their unique join codes after registering in Total Registration based on the join codes the school enters during AP configuration and based on which teacher and period combination the student selected during AP exam registration. Some students will later change teachers and/or class periods and may need an updated join code to enter in the College Board's MyAP system. You can choose to allow students to log in to their student accounts in Total Registration to request a teacher and/or period update in their registration so they can be sent an updated join code. Testing coordinators can activate that option by choosing "yes" on the General Info page within AP configuration.
If you select "yes" to this question, students can log in at after they register for AP exams and request to update their teacher and/or period selection. However, they will not receive the updated join code until the testing coordinator approves their request to update their teacher/period selection. You will see a link on your TR dashboard when a student has requested to update their teacher/period selection.
Make sure you have updated join codes linked to your exams in TR and then approve the student's request for them to be emailed the join code for their newly selected teacher/period.
NOTE: You can go to the student's view of requesting teacher/period updates to see what this option looks like on the students' side of the system.