TR offers schools that have previously used our AP service a fast, easy way to configure AP exams. When you go to the Manage/Set Up AP Exams page, you can click the "Copy All Exams From Previous Year" button to copy the exams your school offered last year. However, as noted in the red instruction box, you will still need to link the teacher(s) and period(s) or verify last year's selections are correct in order to complete your configuration.
Once you click the "Copy All Exams From Previous Year" button, the list of exams will show. You will see the Needs Review column and notice a red X for each exam that has not yet been reviewed. Click the Edit Exam icon for each of those exams to either link new teacher(s) and period(s) OR just click Save if the teacher(s) and period(s) have not changed. Once you take that action the red X will no longer show in the Needs Review column (see Art History in the below screenshot for an example).
NOTE: If you wish to delete an exam, click the green check in the Active column and then click the Delete Exam link. That action will remove the exam from your list of offered exams.