Once coordinators upload their College Board (CB) file into the Reconcile tool, they will see students grouped into five categories. Students with Matched Student Info between CB File and TR Data (EXAMS MAY NOT MATCH) is one of those categories. Students listed in that category have auto-matched because their first name, last name, email address, and exams matched in both systems or they are students the coordinator manually matched in the Potential Matches table.
Notice in the example below that the first circled students' Free/Reduced status in Total Registration does not match the status in the College Board's system. The coordinator needs to determine the student's correct status and edit one of the systems so the F/R status is correct in both systems.
Notice the second circled issue shows two exams registered in TR but three exams enrolled in the College Board. The coordinator needs to determine the student's intent and edit the appropriate system so both lists of exams match. Coordinators can easily click the email icon in the Action column to send an email to that particular student to find out their intent and correct one of the systems.
Unmatching Records
A 0 in the # Exams In TR column could indicate the student registered in two TR accounts and the system matched on the account that no longer exists. If the coordinator finds a current record for a student in TR even though they are highlighted here with no number in the TR column, then click the Unmatch icon (highlighted below) and run the Reconcile report again.