Once coordinators upload their College Board (CB) file into the Reconcile tool, they will see students grouped into five categories. Students Enrolled in CB - May Not Have Registered in TR is one of those categories. The students in this category have been identified as students enrolled for AP exams in the College Board's system but may not match students in Total Registration. That means the student's first and last name and/or email address used in CB did not match a current registration in TR.
Many of these students will use a shortened version of their first name or nickname in one system but the full name in the other system (Mike vs Michael). If the coordinator finds a current AP registration in TR and the reason for not matching is name, the coordinator can easily edit the student's name in Total Registration (see Editing Student's Information).
If the coordinator does not find any record of the student registering for exams in TR, then the coordinator can email the students letting them know to take action. Simply click the Email These Students button to do so, as seen in the below image.
An email message will generate that uses merge codes. Coordinators can use the merge codes so the email will be customized to each student.