Per the College Board's website ( ), AP coordinators can transfer students into your school and register them for AP exams after the College Board's fall ordering deadline without incurring a late order fee. These are students who attended a different school prior to the College Board's November ordering deadline but now attend your school. These are not students who attend a different school or home school but want to take an exam at your school.
Transfer students will need a unique transfer code to enter into MyAP for your school not to be charged a late fee by the College Board when you order the transfer student's exam(s) after the College Board's November ordering deadline. The transfer code is different from the join code. You must provide students who transfer to your school the transfer code—not the join code—so they can properly enroll in a class section and for the late order fee to be waived.
Total Registration has made it easy for AP coordinators to know which registrations need a transfer code. Students who register for AP exams in TR after the College Board's November ordering deadline will see a Transfer question (see below):
When a student answers "yes" to that question, their registration will be held pending, and you will need to take action on the request from your TR dashboard (see below).
Once you click the Transfer Student Approve/Deny link on your dashboard, you will have two options:
- Approve the request - Student will be registered without late fees, and you will enter the CB's Transfer Codes.
- Deny the Request - The student will be registered, and any active late fees will be applied. The student will be provided the join codes that are configured in the system.
Here's an example of the Approval process and entering the Transfer Code
The TR system will waive the late fee you configured when you enter the Transfer Code for that student, and the student will see the transfer code on their confirmation email message so they can enter it in MyAP.