Activate Login
In order to get started, you will need to create a log in. Total Registration will send you an email with an activation link once your email address is entered into your school's account by either the account owner or Total Registration personnel. Following the link will allow you to activate your login.
Setting Up Schools/Districts
Individual school accounts and district accounts have some differences. Please read the section below pertaining to the type of account you are activating. Setting up accounts only needs to be completed one time.
Activating a School Account
Once your login is activated, you will need to configure your school, secondary users will not need to do this as the primary user will have already done this. Schools are set up by logging in and "Activating" your school. In order to activate your school, you will use several drop-down menus to locate your school. TR is using data from the College Board. If you cannot find your school, please look in surrounding cities or make sure your city does not exist in an abbreviated form as well. If you are still having trouble, please contact TR by creating a support ticket. Once your school's account is active, you are ready to configure your service (AP, PSAT/NMQST, and/or IB).
Activating a District Account
TR allows districts to create some defaults that will be used by all the district's schools. Setting defaults can save school coordinators time in setting up their registration sites while creating uniformity in the registration process. School coordinators will have the ability to configure settings different than the defaults, so it is important that districts communicate the expectations with schools.
There are two ways to proceed with configuring the district defaults:
1. Use the Configuration Interview or complete each step separately. Go to the menu of the service you wish to configure (AP, PSAT/NMQST, or IB) and click Configure Registration. The below example shows the AP service's configuration menu selection.
2. Configure each element separately: Users can access each part of the configuration process. TR recommends this for users who are editing their configuration and are familiar with the process. All parts will need to be completed before the registration site can be activated. Follow the above steps to access the configuration menu. You will see links to each feature/screen underneath the Configuration Interview link.
Setting up Schools within a District Account
Total Registration will need to set up each of the schools in the district. Please email and let Total Registration know the email address of the "primary coordinator" at each school.