Some schools prefer to create only one section per teacher for each AP exam in the College Board's system but have students register for specific class periods in Total Registration. In this case, you will need to copy the join code for the section you created in the College Board's section for a particular exam and paste that join code to all of the teacher/period combinations linked to the same exam in TR.
For example, the coordinator in the below example created one section in College Board for World History teacher Sally Brown even though she is linked to two periods in Total Registration. Once the Join Code file is uploaded to TR, the coordinator can map the one join code, TEST176 in this example, to Period 1 and click Update Selected Exams. Then, copy the join code and proceed to the next step below.
You can then go to AP > Manage/Set Up AP Exams and click the edit icon for that particular exam to open the Edit Exam page, scroll to the bottom of the page and paste the copied join code to the other Join Code fields for that teacher. Below is a screenshot showing where to paste the join codes. Be sure to click the Save button.
Be sure to go back to the Configuration Interview and click the Proceed to Configuration Check button at the bottom of the "Match CB Join Codes to TR Exams" page to complete the configuration interview steps.