Much of a student's financial information can be viewed and edited from this report, which is found by going to Report Center > Finances > View/Enter/Edit Payments/Fees/Refunds > View/Enter/Edit Payments/Waivers. Below is a sample of the report. You will see each registered student's total fees, payments made, waivers applied, and balance due. If the student is pending on a waitlist or financial approval list, you will not see any fees but will see "Pending Approval" in the Enter/Edit Payments, Waivers, Fees column.
From this report, you can click the View/Record/Edit link to see a snapshot of a particular student's financial history, as well as to edit waivers, add fee waivers, and add additional fees.
NOTE: If a student answered the free/reduced lunch question incorrectly during registration and you wish to add a free/reduced lunch waiver to the account after the fact, please click the Enter Free Reduced Lunch link.